
Simulators provide a virtual environment in which we can run and test various operating systems and software configurations without using actual physical hardware or executing in a real operating system environment.

The simulators used when developing drivers using simulators are mainly divided into two categories:

The following article introduces the development of simulators using NFC driver as an example

Name Description Download
device-nfc-v3.3.0 NFC device driver Download
  1. Add simulator file simulator/device-nfc-simulator.js
"use strict";
const fs = require('node:fs')
const path = require('node:path')
const {SerialPortSimulator} = require('@cutos/drivers')
const config = require('../config.json')

class DeviceNFCSimulator extends SerialPortSimulator {
    constructor() {

    getInfo() {
        let readme = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, ''), 'utf-8')
        return {readme}

module.exports = {DeviceNFCSimulator};
  1. Driver file device-nfc.js
"use strict";

const {CoreDefine, CoreClass} = require('@cutos/core');
const {SerialPort} = require("@cutos/drivers");

const {TYPE, CMD} = require('./device-nfc-def.js');
const {DeviceNFCSimulator} = require("./simulator/device-nfc-simulator");//导入模拟器
const {opts} = require('./config.json');

class DeviceNFC extends CoreClass.Driver {
    constructor(name) {
        super(name, TYPE);
        //name is 'mock' to use the simulator
        if (name === 'mock') {
            this.simulator = new DeviceNFCSimulator()
        this.updateStatusInfo(CoreDefine.HEARTBEAT_STATUS.ALIVE, "alive");
        this.onCommand(({cmd, args}, callback) => {
            switch (cmd) {
                case CMD.CONNECT:
                    this.connect(args, callback);

    connect(args, callback) {
        let params = {...opts, ...args}
        if (this.port) {
            callback({status: true, msg: params})
        //Pass in the simulator parameter to associate the simulator with the serial port
        this.port = new SerialPort(params.path, params.baudRate, err => {
            if (err) {
                callback({status: false, msg: err.message})
            } else {
                callback({status: true, msg: params})
        }, this.simulator)
        this.port.on('data', data => this.onSerialData(data))

    onSerialData(data) {
        let code = ''
        data = data.slice(2,)
        for (let d of data) {
            let hex = Number(d).toString(16)
            hex = ('0' + hex).substring(hex.length - 1)
            code += hex
        this.sendData({id: code})

module.exports = DeviceNFC;
import {CoreAPI} from '@cutos/core';
import {DeviceNFC} from '../src/device-nfc.js';

CoreAPI.init('localhost', () => {
    //Instantiate and pass in `'mock'` to start the simulator
    let device = new DeviceNFC('mock');
    device.init((result, error) => {
        if (error) {
        device.connect('/dev/ttySS2', (result, error) => {
            console.log('Connect', result, error)
        device.onData(data => {
Simulator console

CUTOS uploads the driver, and after publishing lwa, you can open the simulator console: http://+ CUTOS IP address +:3000/webapps/simulator/, for example Select the corresponding simulator to send simulation instructions.

Simulator list thumbnail.png

Select the corresponding simulator to send simulation instructions console.png

results matching ""

    No results matching ""