Serial port

Serial port: an extended interface using serial communication.

Serial port communication: a communication method in which the serial port sends and receives bytes bit by bit.

The Serialport class is used to handle serial port communication. It creates a new serial port object using the serial port path, baud rate, callback function, and simulator. It is used to simulate serial port communication data.


npm install @cutos/drivers

Introduce dependencies

const {SerialPort} = require("@cutos/drivers");


constructor(path, baudRate, callback = null, simulator = null)
  • path: port path
  • baudRate: baud rate
  • callback: callback function
  • simulator: simulator instance

The driver creates a new serialport instance and returns the port result, which is often used in device connection related methods.

let serialport = new SerialPort('/dev/ttySS3', 19200, error => {
if (error) {
}, simulator)

Methods from the base class SerialPortStream

See @serialport/stream

  • write
  • on('data')

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